
Essex Public Library’s genealogy room is open during regular business hours. We strongly recommend you call (804) 443-4945 to make an appointment to use the room.

Local Digitized Newspapers
Browse or search historic local newspapers in Essex Public Library’s digital archives.

Yearbook Digitization Project
We have digitized 37 high school yearbooks from Essex Public Library’s local history collection. They are available online, thanks to the Yearbook Digitization Project from Library of Virginia. See the yearbooks here.

Hoskins of Virginia and Related Families
Charles Warner generously granted publishing rights of this book to Essex Public Library. The proceeds are used to advance the growth of the library and the community he so loved. This book is a history of the Hoskins of Essex County, Virginia and related families, including Hundley, Ware, Roy, Garnett, Waring, Bird, Buckner, Dunbar, Trible, Booker, Aylett, Carter, Upshaw. Original edition copyright 1971, Tappahannock, Va. 474 p. Includes: illustrations, index. The book is available for purchase at Essex Public Library or can be purchased online through Alibris and shipped to your door.

Unknown No Longer
Unknown No Longer: A Database of Virginia Slave Names is an endeavor by the Virginia Historical Society to record the names of the slaves of Virginia. It is an ongoing effort to list the names of all enslaved African-Americans found in the eight million unpublished manuscripts in the Virginia Historical Society’s archives. A keyword search can be made with minimal information, such as the name of the plantation a descendant is believed to have lived on and his or her first name.

Ancestry for Virginians
The Library of Virginia is pleased to provide Virginians free public access to select content from Through an agreement with, the commonwealth’s citizens can access digitized and indexed records and materials that would otherwise require a paid subscription.